
Easy Cold Sore Remedies At Home

Everybody knows that the epidemic caused by herpes simplex 1 virus. It seems that the virus is something that most of us to catch before they are 7 years old, and still remain in our bodies for the rest of our lives. Some people have outbreaks even though they are infected with the virus. Lucky dog, not really, people who do not have these painful and embarrassing outbreaks are happy. For the rest of us, our happiness comes from finding a treatment for outbreaks.

There are many homeopathic cold sore remedies, it seems to provide real relief for the pain caused by this condition. Apply balm to the infected area may bring some relief from helps to keep inflammation protected from drying out. When these wounds are dry, they crack open and bleed. After cracking open they allow other bacteria and germs enter the body causing secondary infections. So, keeping them moist becomes necessary thing to do.

You can also treat the common epidemic with Vaseline to prevent drying out really has some anti-viral properties, so if you can is a better choice.

Applying ice to the infected area will help to reduce swelling and relieve some of the pain. You should apply ice as a cold compress, do not hold ice directly on the face.Led could put the pain and be very painful to remove.

Some of the cold sore remedies at home require you to eat certain foods. Some of these foods can be used as a treatment, and as a preventive measure. You can eat yogurt to help with this contains culture bacteria to fight the outbreak of the herpes virus. If you do not eat plain yogurt on a daily basis, and then eat it when you had periods of high stress, when they are sick or when you have increased exposure to sunlight.

Is another sweet food you can take to help your immune system to fight the herpes virus when it is breaking out. Sweet contains acid, which, according to several studies is good at fighting viruses. You must be sure that you eat foods that contain real licorice, not only foods that are flavored with anise.