
Cold Sore Treatment are Over the Counter Medications any Good

When you are struggling with the pain and itching of the herpes Labialis, any form of treatment in cold sore that can provide relief for you would be a blessing to you.
Herpes Labialis over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are broadly classified into three main groups, each for a function. A group provides relief of pain and itching and best applied during the cold sores tingling. Other groups or slows down or prevent injury cold sores from the aggravating or directly to the herpes simplex virus 1 end in its track and therefore promotes healing. OTC medications contain treatment agents that have one or more of the above properties. To apply all these drugs, need to remember results vary from individual to individual, depending on the severity of your cold headaches.

Here are some common medications for herpes Labialis :
1. Anbesol herpes Labialis cream therapy with vitamin E and Aloe provides pain relief.

2. Drink this medication herpes lip is approved by the FDA. Reports to aid in the curing.

3. Rescue of herpes Labialis Natural gel containing agents that have anti-virales and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes faster healing.

4. Zilactin Gel herpes Labialis medicines for pain relief. Provides a protective layer on the painful area and reduce irritation caused by consumption.

5. The LipClear Stick cold lysine moisturizing properties help heal skin cracking commonly associated with the cold sores. Protection against the Sun, which is a common trigger for outbreaks of cold sores.

While these drugs do not offer some sort of relief for their pain cold sores and pica, are not instant cures or magical portions of healing. In spite of having been reported to help in the healing, the effect of speeding recovery of cold sores can be depressing.

However, can make 7 to 10 days of suffering much easier.

I would like to offer a good if you are going to use these drugs age advice. Herpes Labialis is contagious, so be sure to thoroughly wash hands after by spread to other parts of his body or to others. You may think that this is a matter of course, but do know you what repeated cases of cold sores only because everyone of this small habit is forgotten?

Finally, to answer my question, over the counter medications may be good to relieve pain, but for one complete cold solution pain treatment, the way forward is the use of natural remedies.