
Can Children get Cold Sores

That's a question most parents ask, especially when they think that his son has been exposed to a person with cold sores. The answer to this question is Yes, children can cold sores.

Fires are caused by the virus of herpes simplex, transmitted from person to person by skin to skin contact. Sometimes, the virus can also be transmitted by sharing utensils, razors or other hygiene articles person.

Anyone can get this virus, regardless of age, it is important to watch his son to make does not come into direct contact with someone who has a cold sores.

One of the most common ways for a child of the cold sore virus is sharing toys and tools with other children who carry the virus. If you have young children, be careful to leave to save dirty mouth especially if other children have placed the same toy in his mouth toys.

In addition, teach your kids about not sharing utensils or drinks. Many children do not believe that it is a great thing to move the refresh to his friend to share, but the virus can be made. Show them clean and good hygiene practices and help them understand that it should not touch the mouth of his friend if they have a cold pain.

It is difficult to keep children away from the cold sore virus, so the best thing you can do as a parent is to be proactive. Unfortunately, many people become infected with herpes virus at some point in his life, and if your child has a cold sore is a good idea to teach them about how treat a cold sores heal quickly.